Friday, 20 June 2014

Reconstruction Ancillary task 1: two hyperlinked pages from the magazine’s website

For this task, I have been looking online at magazine websites to see which one I would try to recreate.

To create the website, I have looked which allows me to create magazines that will look professional however I am unsure at whether I will be able to find the exact template so I will try and find something that is as close as I can.

I have decided to go with Vogue's website to recreate.

Here are two screen shots of the website's home page. I have taken one of the top of the website and one of the bottom of the page as it includes social media information which is quite an important element in the making of my own magazine.

The second page I am going to try and recreate is this one:
I have gone for this page as its main focus is the current fashion trends which fits well with my magazine but it also uses the same few models which is good for me as I only have 1.

Once I had finished the website, I published it online. The link I was given for this site is

Here are some screen shots from the website.

Although my reconstruction is not a direct match image wise, I think the general layout was quite close. I found this task difficult as it was hard to find a template that would work similar to the original and it was also my first time using the site, however, by completing this task; it allowed me to have some practice on the site so I had some experience when it came to making my own. I think it will be easier when I create my own site as I will not be having to try and match the template to something already existing. 

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