Monday, 22 September 2014

Institution Logo

When it came to creating my own logo, I decided to call it SW Productions. I did this as SW are my initials.

I began to create the image in photoshop. I used the text icon and created separate text levels for the different letters, keeping them the same font and size.

I then placed the S in the centre of the W and placed productions underneath. I decided to put it in italics as I thought it looked too plain when it was standard.
For the colours I kept to black and dark tones as I am going to make my product grunge fashion and thought this fit in well with that style.


With this image, I like the idea of using a plain colour other than white for the background. I think it is unusual and adds something different to the page. I also like the set up with how the image and text are positioned as it is quite simple but I like the overall look.

 After seeing this image, I like the way they have used a different colour for the masthead as it keeps it separate from the rest of the text but also catches the audiences attention.

institution research

Monday, 15 September 2014

Website Deconstruction


I looked at the website for the magazine Company.  At the top of the website, there is their masthead. It is positioned on the left third of the page and is not the main focus however it is still large enough to catch the viewers attention. The navigational links are also at the top of the page. This helps the viewer navigate the website easily and find what they are looking for without any issues.

Placed just below this, on the right third of the page are links to various social networks. This positioning is a good idea as it is easy to see and one of the first things the audience will notice. It is also good as the target audience of this magazine are very technology orientated and are avid users of social media.

There is also a link to join up to their website. This is a good idea as it allows the audience to keep up with the latest articles but it also gives the company a sure way of getting their product across to their target audience.

After looking at this website, I think it is a good indication of how I want my own website to look. I think having the navigation bar at the top of the page is beneficial as it will allow my viewers to easily navigate the site. Also, by displaying links to other social media platforms, this is aimed at capturing my target audience as they are very tech savvy and will all use most, if not all, of the social media forms I link. It will also be useful for advertising as it will reach more people of my target audience than if I just had the website and magazine.

Friday, 12 September 2014

double page spread deconstruction

Looking at this double page spread, I like the idea of having one page dedicated to an image as I think it pulls the spread together well, however, I am unsure as to whether it would be appropriate for my fashion magazine. I don't like the use of the giant drop caps as I think its confusing and I don't like how it looks so I won't be using this in my own work.

front cover deconstruction

Looking at this front cover, I like the idea of having a coloured background other than white as I think it is unique and I like the look of it. I also like the continuity of font and colour scheme as I think it looks more professional and put together so I will be doing that with my own work. I like the pose, however, I think it is a bit more high fashion than what my magazine is aiming to be so I would not use it.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

contents page deconstruction

Looking at this example, I like the idea of having one main image on my contents page as I think it helps the page look more put together. I may try having 1 or 2 main images instead of using many smaller images. I also think it is a good idea to put the link to the website on the contents page as it increases the chance of the reader visiting the site. I don't like how big the title is on this page though as it is quite over-powering so I will keep mine smaller on my own work.

billboard deconstruction

Looking at billboards that are already in use, I have decided that for my own I am going to keep the layout quite simple. I will use mostly black and white but will incorporate some colour slightly. The only text that will be on my billboard will be the magazine name although it will not be the main focus as I do not like the composition in the Marc Jacobs billboard. All three billboards use quite high key lighting which I will also use in mine as it is more professional and appropriate. I will also use a direct mode of address to attract and engage my target audience. The camera angle will be a typical eye level shot as it works well for my product.


As it is the first time I have used this website, I have encountered difficulties when trying to get the website to go the way I want. After much trial and error, I have improved and developed knowledge of how to use the site however, I think it will be easier to use when making my own website and not trying to edit a layout to fit an already existing website.

mood board

This is a moodboard I created for my work. The fonts are some I found on which I am planning to use as I think they will go well with the style of my magazine. The colour palette is what I created to show the different colours I am planning to use in my project. The shop logos represent the types of fashion shops people in my target audience will shop at and the image of the model shows the type of fashion I am interested in including in my final product. I have also added a female icon with 17+ as this represents my target audience.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Pitch feedback

This is my media pitch and the feedback that I got for it. From looking at the feedback, it is clear I need to concentrate more on institutions and and maybe go into more detail on my choices and reasonings.

Monday, 1 September 2014

September Calendar

This month, the main tasks I want to complete are to start research and planning for my product and to finish reconstructions of products. I need to start research and planning as this will be the start of creating my own product and will help me plan effectively and keep note of choices and plans I make.

I also want to finish and upload reconstructions as these tasks are similar to what I am going to be creating myself which will help give me some knowledge and experience of these types of products and their conventions.