Friday, 3 October 2014

Front cover flat plan

This is the flat plan I have created for the front cover of my magazine. I am keeping the masthead located across the top thirds of the page and placing the image in the centre. Some of the masthead will be covered by the image to give the impression that my magazine is established and well known. I will have sell lines on both sides of the image however they will not be too overpowering. I will place the essential information such as price, date and barcode in the bottom left third of the page so it does not distract from the rest of the magazine. With my model, I am going to use a direct mode of address as it engages the viewer and makes it more personal. I plan on keeping camera shots to medium close ups and close ups as I think it helps show the clothes but I like the overall look of these magazines more than ones where the full body of the model is showing. Font wise, I have found some fonts that I like that I am going to play about with and see what they look like. These include Grunge, Kenyan Coffee, Champagne & Limousine, Neou  and standard fonts such as Century Gothic. The lighting is going to be high key as this makes the image look more professional and fits with generic convention of magazines. My colour scheme is going to be quite pastel with black as a default colour.

For the main image, it is going to be of my friend Paige. It will have a direct mode of address with her looking directly into the camera. This is to make it more personal to each reader and make the front cover more engaging. It will be quite high key as this is a typical convention of fashion magazines and will make my work look more professional. She will be wearing grunge style clothing that fits with the theme of my magazine and demonstrates to the reader the type of clothes that will be featured in my work.