Monday, 20 April 2015

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Evaluation Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Here are some photo examples of the things I mentioned in my video:

This is the icon for the webiste creator This is a software that is newly founded to me that I used to create my website.

This is the icon for the photo editing software Photoshop. I have used photoshop in both my AS and A2 and I feel my skills and understanding of this software have improved a lot over the last two years. Some new tools I discovered this year are shown below such as the dodge tool.

Evaluation Q3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I have created some reader profiles to demonstrate some people within my target audience and how this has helped develop my product as I am confident my target audience would be interested in my product.

Name: Paige
Age: 18
Preferred style of music: Alternative Rock, Pop Punk
Shops at: Topshop, New Look, Urban Outfitters
Hobbies: Socializing, social media, listening to music, watching movies

Paige is a prime example of my target audience group. I know she would be interested in my product as when I conducted audience research, her interests coincide with the majority of answers I received. For example, she fits within the age range for my target audience and likes to shop at places such as Topshop and Newlook which were very popular choices on my survey. As my product was tailored around these results, this makes me confident that she would buy it. She also enjoys using social media, like the majority of my target audience, which is reassuring in the idea that the website will be popularly used. I showed Paige my work and asked for a comment from her. She said "The magazine looks really good and it fits well with the magazine and billboard. It's definitely something I would read as it features clothes and shops that I like so it would be useful on getting some styling tips. The only thing I would recommend would be to add more onto the website as it looks a little bare."

I also spoke to another girl who also fit within my target audience.

Name: Rebecca
Age: 18
Preferred style of music: Alternative Rock, Pop Punk
Shops at: Topshop, Urban Outfitters, H&M
Hobbies: Photography, socializing, social media, listening to music, watching movies

After receiving feedback from both Paige and Rebecca, I have noted that if I were to redo this product there are things that have worked well and other things I could improve upon. I would take more photographs for my front cover and use a stronger image than the one I used in my final. I would also spend more time on my website as it could have benefited from more articles. I think my website could have been better as it was my first time using the software and I was not very confident using it. I would do more research into websites and how they are laid out as I think it would be beneficial.

Evaluation Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

This video is to explain the links between my main task and my ancillary tasks which allow the audience to realize all the products are linked together but it also helps from a marketing point of view as it helps the publishers with advertising.
I did this by using the same conventions throughout such as color scheme, fonts, models, the masthead but I also advertised my products within each other. I placed a link for my website on the contents page and I also incorporated my magazine into my website by putting a photo of the current edition on the website homepage which would also work as an online preview of the magazine.

Evaluation Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Friday, 17 April 2015

New model

When editing my front cover, I could not get it to a standard I was happy with composition wise. Although I liked the main image, I thought it might be better if I changed the image and had an image where more of the clothes could be seen. I chose some clothes that fit with my style and got my sister to wear them for me to take the images. I kept with black, white and red clothes which I used to help achieve a grungey look. For make up, created a smokey eye, although this is not predominately visible and a strong contour look as these are current trends within my target audience and also fit within the theme of my product.
This is the front cover I created, although I do not think the main image is as strong as the previous image, I think by using this style of image it has allowed me to create a better composition compared to the previous draft.

After changing this, I realised I would also have to change my billboard image to keep continuity within the products and keep them linking together.

I kept the composition the same as the previous billboard and only changed the image to keep continuity.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Main task feedback

This is the feedback I received for my main task. Out of the 3 products, I have improvements to make for all of them which I am currently in the process of making.

Friday, 20 March 2015


After receiving feedback on my billboard, I decided to add some more text and change the colour of the background. It was not very clear that the billboard was advertising a fashion magazine as only the name "Groture" was stated which could have suggested it was a fashion brand or retailer. I decided to add "North East leading grunge magazine" as a tag line to let people know it is a magazine. To keep with the mirrored theme, I placed it in the bottom left third and the top right third of the page and used the text font "Fine Style Regular" which I have used in my main product to link them together and be consistent.

For the background, it was noted that the white did not fit with the theme and genre of my magazine. To fix this, I changed the background to a dark grey and then put it on a low opacity so it gave an off-white look. I think changing the colour to something other than white may not stay within typical conventions but I think it works well for my product based on its genre.

This is the billboard after I made these changes:

Friday, 20 February 2015

recent drafts

Front Cover:

Contents Page:

Double Page Spread:



Monday, 9 February 2015


For my double page spread, I have decided to go with 3 styles instead of 4 due to composition of the pages. If I put 4 on the page, they would become quite cramped and I prefer them to be more clear and concise.

This is what my double page spread looks like right now. I am happy with how it is looking in comparison with previous drafts.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Model clothes and makeup

As my magazine focus's on grunge, I want to keep the makeup and clothing within this style as well. I have created a Pinterest board for clothes which would be appropriate and fit with my magazine.

For the make up, I want the face to look quite flawless. I found this video on youtube which will be quite helpful. Although I won't be using the exact same products as stated in the video, I will still be using the steps she does which will allow me to achieve an even base on my model.

For the eyes, I am going to experiment both with and without eyeliner as I do not want the eyeliner to be too overpowering. This video I found on YouTube gives me 7 different ways I could style the eyeliner. Although not all of them will be classed as "grungey", they could still fit with the overall magazine and make it less overpowering.

Friday, 30 January 2015


After looking at my double page spread, I was not happy with how it looked so I decided to start again. I have used the font Fine Style as I think it looks professional and will fit well with my work.

Monday, 12 January 2015


Products so far:

Front Cover

Contents Page:

Double Page Spread:

